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The TIJ in partnership with Thailand's Department of Probation, UNAFEI and the Rehabilitation Bureau of Japan's Ministry of Justice from 29 September to 1 October 2015 is hosting the Second Seminar on Promoting the Community-based Treatment in the ASEAN Region at UNAFEI in Tokyo, Japan.

Jane Holloway, Programme Specialist on Crime and Development provided Opening Remarks on behalf of TIJ.

The Seminar promotes the implementation of community-based treatment as a non-custodial measure involving the community in the management of justice, rehabilitation, reintegration of offenders and to encourage offenders to be productive members in society.

The first Seminar was hosted in Bangkok, Thailand at the TIJ from 24 to 26 February 2015 bringing together senior officials from the 10 ASEAN member states responsible for probation services and implementing community-based treatment. The second seminar continues to share best practices, discuss challenges and identify areas of training and capacity-building. The Seminar will highlight Volunteer Probation activities by Voluntary Probation Officers (VPO) from Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Canada's community corrections model implemented by the private sector.

The Summary Report from the First Seminar can be downloaded here.
