TIJ Justice Innovation: Enabling people-centered justice through cross-sector collaboration & innovations
For decades, poor access to justice, a wide gap of inequality, violence culture, and corruption have always been and continue to be critical justice issues around the world. The recurring and persistent pattern suggests that conventional solutions no longer suffice in tackling these problems. To break out of this status quo and achieve the SDG targets by 2030, innovative approaches are needed now more than ever to address justice issues, especially in the world where technology is ever-evolving, constantly changing, and challenging our ways of thinking and living. Waking up to this call, the global movement for people-centered and innovative justice has started. And now, it is time for Thailand to start rethinking how we approach justice!
The TIJ Justice Innovation Unit sees the needs and opportunities to leverage our knowledge, resources and networks to enable a ‘people-centered’ justice system in Thailand and beyond through cross-sector collaboration and innovations, which could range from new ways of thinking to productions featuring advanced technology. For us, the scope of justice that allows for innovation does not limit only to the justice system itself. Instead, it begins at family and community levels, extends to the justice system: polices, prosecutors, court, and correctional officers, and circulates back to the reintegration of convicts into society.
Our guiding principles:
1. We prioritize ‘wicked problem’ in the justice system
2. We ground our work in human-centered and strategic foresight approaches
3. We succeed through cross-sectoral collaboration with share commitments and measurable goals
4. We empower and connect key actors to build a strong ecosystem dedicated to justice innovation
5. We strive to groom justice mindsets for next generations
Our role as an ‘enabler’:
The enabler of justice innovations has many different faces and roles at different stages of innovation, which are inception, scaling, and institutionalization.
At the inception stage, the innovation unit’s role includes being a trusted connector, initiator and coordinator. The expected output at this stage is a working prototype of innovation with impact potential.
At the scaling stage, the innovation unit takes roles as a promoter, broker or even investor. The output we expect and focus on is a measurable impact that can assess and capture.
At the institutionalization stage, the innovation unit works to integrate the innovation back to the formal justice system, acting as a deployer and a mobilizer. The expected output is a roll-out plan and system integration process.
Our journey:
TIJ Justice Innovation started as a small project within TIJ in late 2018. Just in early 2021, we officially became a unit.
Currently, TIJ Justice Innovation Unit positions itself as a node to connect and facilitate the interaction between multi-stakeholders beyond the justice sector, a space for experimentation, and a hub for knowledge and education to instill an infrastructure that is built for an innovative and people-centered justice system. The issues we are focusing on include combating gender-based violence, enhancing the lives of youth at crime risk, and empowering civic engagement in the justice system through data and technology.
However, Justice Innovation is still a work in progress. The systemic, structural, and contextual nature of justice problems presents many challenges as we explore ways to create and reintegrate the innovation back into the existing system. We hope to share our learnings and experiences with the community as we grow!
Our flagship Projects:
Rethinking Justice for Innovator: a justice curriculum for 21st century
Toolbox for justice innovation:
Design thinking playbook [coming soon]
Future thinking for justice curriculum handbook [coming soon]
More story about our works: FB TIJ-Project j
Interested in our work or got any questions, contact us at:
j-innovation@tijthailand.org or kanravee.k@tijthailand.org
Learn more about Justice Innovation most recent movements from the thought leaders around the globe :
The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law [HiiL] - The latest development of justice innovation from the Innovating Justice Forum 2021 hosted by HiiL
The World Justice Project [WJP] - Browse the world for the ideas that meet the world justice challenge each year
Taskforce for Justice - Learn about the overview of the new approach to justice for all
Stanford Legal Design Lab - Stay on the tech x design frontier for the betterment of justice and law
Law, justice and development, World Bank - The global radar on what is happening around the world in terms of law, justice and development comes in the form of the annual Global Forum
Key Partners & Collaborators