On 17th June, 2016, Dr. Phiset Sa-ardyen, Director of the Office of External Relations and Policy Coordination, led a team representatives from TIJ to attend the “Second Meeting of the APCJJ Subcommittee for ASEAN” which is co-organized by TIJ, Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection, Ministry of Justice, the Asia-Pacific Council for Juvenile Justice (APCJJ) and the International Juvenile Justice Observatory (IJJO).
The objectives of the meeting was to present the findings of studies on the elimination of violence against children in conflict with the law conducted by research teams from ASEAN Member States. Dr. Sita Sumrit, Chief of TIJ’s Women and Children Empowerment Programme also presented the findings from TIJ and the Royal Police Cadet Academy’s joint research “Patterns and Evolution of Child Sex Tourism in Three ASEAN Countries” as part of the session “Ways to implement the UN Model strategies in ASEAN: Sharing of best practices on elimination of violence against children in conflict with the law.” The meeting was attended by over 100 representatives from government agencies and NGOs from ASEAN member states, including international organizations working on protecting children in the justice system.