The Regional Meeting on Crime Statistics and Victimisation Surveys was held by Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ) in partnership with KIC, UNODC and ESCAP from December 1st to 3rd, 2014 in Bangkok Thailand.
Presentations delivered by participants and speakers at the meeting are now available.
1. Opening Session
- Welcoming remarks by Ambassador Adisak Panupong, Executive Director of the Thailand Institute of Justice
- Objectives of the meeting, UNODC
2. Crime and criminal justice information: needs and priorities
- National perspectives:
a. New Zealand Mr. Christopher Worsley
Indonesia Mr. Thoman Pardosi - International priorities, UNODC (Enrico Bisigno, Team Leader Crime Statistic)
3. Country experiences and challenges in producing and disseminating statistics on crime and criminal justice
- Findings from assessment questionnaire on crime statistics (UNODC) (Enrico Bisigno, Team Leader Crime Statistic)
- Country experiences
a. Philippines (Mr. Roland Bulalacao)
b. Korea (Dr. Ji- tae Hwang)
c. Thailand (Pol.Maj. Dr.Chavanut Janekarn)
d. Kenya (Mr. Robert Buluma)
4. Country experiences measuring difficult crimes such as trafficking in persons, smuggling of migrants, corruption and violence againt women
- Violence againt women and corruption (Mr. Oscar Jaimes Bello, INEGI- Mexico) :
a. Measuring violence against women in Mexico
b. Corruption Risksin PublicServices: Resultsof the National Survey on Governmental Quality 2013 in Mexico - Smuggling migrants (Giovanni Broussard)
- Trafficking in persons (Pol.Col. Chitphol Kanchanakit, Ph.D.)
5. Victimisation surveys: principles and experiences from countries
- Country experiences :
a. Australia (Mr. William Milne)
b. Thailand (Dr. Apasiri Suwannanon)
c. Philippines (Mr.Elipido Maramot)
d. Korea (Dr. Ji - tae Hwang )
6. The Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (CTS) and The International Classification of crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS)
7. Group work on sessions 4, 5 and 6
8. The post-2015 development framework and possible targets on security and the rule of law